Workshops and Seminars

2024 Workshop and Seminar Series

Summer 2024 Workshop and Seminar Series

Upcoming Seminars

Check back for Summer / Fall events.

Past Workshops and Seminars

High Performance Computing Workshop: Introduction to HPC and Open OnDemand

Presented by: Chris Dalton

This High Performance Computing workshop is geared towards anyone who is interested in hearing what HPC resources are available to the University of Maine System community and it is open to everyone. Particular emphasis will be given to the Open OnDemand system, the new web-based interface to the HPC system. Registration is required. Topics will include: 


Slide presentation

Zoom recording

Data Management Planning for the Research Data Lifecycle

Presented by: Ami Gaspar

Want to know more about the research data management lifecycle?

Join us for this hands-on session to learn how the Advanced Computing Group (ACG) resources can cover your research data needs, from preparing data management plans to analysis tools, archiving, and sharing the ACG has the resources you need for your research data. 


Coming Soon

High-Performance Computing Workshop 2: Beyond the Basics 

Presented by: Chris Dalton 

This workshop will help researchers learn intermediate HPC skills that will help them use resources efficiently to get the results they need quickly and easily. Topics will include:

The format will include hands-on exercises to build experience, and time will be reserved for discussing computing challenges posed by participants.


Slide presentation

Zoom recording

Virtual Machine Cloud Overview

Presented by: Forrest Flagg

Have you ever wanted a website for sharing or presenting research data but been deterred by the complexity and cost of setting something up?  Or perhaps you're tired of your laptop being unusable for your other work while running models and calculations.  An ACG OpenStack Virtual Machine may be just the solution you're looking for.  This workshop will walk through the OpenStack Virtual Machine Cloud web interface with a focus on the most important aspects needed to get started with virtual machines.  Then it will transition to a hands-on exercise looking at deploying a virtual machine with an nginx web server running in a container with a valid SSL certificate for a fully qualified domain name all using open source tools.


Slide presentation
Zoom recording

High Performance Computing Workshop

Presented by: Chris Dalton

This High Performance Computing workshop is geared towards anyone who is interested in hearing what HPC resources are available to the University of Maine System community and it is open to everyone. Registration is required. Topics will include 


Slide presentation
Zoom recording

Meet the Presenters

Chris Dalton is ACG's Cyberinfrastructure Engineer and the newest member of the ACG team, having joined in the fall of 2023. His work history includes decision and risk analysis and building probabilistic decision support systems in industry. Chris' academic background is in applied math and computing, with a Master's degree from Carnegie Mellon University. His graduate work focused on numerical methods for PDE's and their implementation on parallel supercomputers.

Forrest Flagg is ACG's Cloud System Administrator. Forrest holds an MS and BS in Computer Engineering from the University of Maine. His Master's thesis was focused on speeding up scientific computation models using General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs). Forrest joined the ACG in October of 2015 and now runs and maintains the ACG's OpenStack virtual machine cloud, helping researchers and educators take advantage of the cloud's scalable resources. 

Ami Gaspar is ACG's Outreach Specialist. Ami has an MBA in Business Analytics from the University of Maine combined with over 15 years in computing. She is fluent in tech/geek speak, can cross multiple operating systems in a single bound, and serves as a translator to the non-technical while informing the technically inclined of ACG services.